The capital of the Industrial Capital Holding JSC is 15 864 544 BGN, distributed in 15 864 544 dematerialized registered shares with nominal value BGN 1 each.
The shareholders of the COMPANY are entitled:
1. a vote in the General Assembly, as one share gives the right to one vote;
2. be elected to the board of directors;
3. a dividend proportional to the nominal value of the shares held;
4. a liquidation share proportional to the nominal value of the shares held;
5. to acquire a part of the new shares issued in an increase of the capital corresponding to their share in the capital up to the increase;
6. to get acquainted with the written materials related to the agenda of the General Assembly;
7. to authorize another person to represent them in the General Meeting, subject to the requirements laid down in the law and the Statutes.